About the PROJECT
Following visits by Principals from the following Singapore and UK Schools an exchange of teachers was planned for April and June 2013 to look at teaching and learning in our schools, the similarities and differences between our schools and to look at collaborating on a lesson study project.
The UK paticipating schools are:
Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School, Cheshire (Secondary)
Hayes School, Bromley (Secondary)
Beech Hill Primary School, Newcastle
Sneinton Primary School, Nottingham
UK Participants:
Helena Collison & Kate Brealey, Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School http://www.hccs.info/
Steve Whittle & Paul Foster, Hayes School http://www.hayes.bromley.sch.uk/
Petra Bourne & Helen Byers, Sneinton Primary School http://sneintoncofeprimaryschool.weebly.com/
Nadine Parker & Jennifer Lisle, Beech Hill Primary School http://www.beechhill.newcastle.sch.uk/site
Singapore Participants:
Hong Kah Secondary School http://www.hongkahsec.moe.edu.sg/
Hillgrove Secondary School http://www.hillgrovesec.moe.edu.sg/
Si Ling Secondary School http://www.silingsec.moe.edu.sg/
Beacon Primary School http://www.beaconpri.moe.edu.sg/
The UK teachers travelled to Singapore and were hosted in Singapore Schools between 5th and 12th April 2013
The return visit of Singaporean teachers to UK is planned for June 2013
The UK paticipating schools are:
Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School, Cheshire (Secondary)
Hayes School, Bromley (Secondary)
Beech Hill Primary School, Newcastle
Sneinton Primary School, Nottingham
UK Participants:
Helena Collison & Kate Brealey, Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School http://www.hccs.info/
Steve Whittle & Paul Foster, Hayes School http://www.hayes.bromley.sch.uk/
Petra Bourne & Helen Byers, Sneinton Primary School http://sneintoncofeprimaryschool.weebly.com/
Nadine Parker & Jennifer Lisle, Beech Hill Primary School http://www.beechhill.newcastle.sch.uk/site
Singapore Participants:
Hong Kah Secondary School http://www.hongkahsec.moe.edu.sg/
Hillgrove Secondary School http://www.hillgrovesec.moe.edu.sg/
Si Ling Secondary School http://www.silingsec.moe.edu.sg/
Beacon Primary School http://www.beaconpri.moe.edu.sg/
The UK teachers travelled to Singapore and were hosted in Singapore Schools between 5th and 12th April 2013
The return visit of Singaporean teachers to UK is planned for June 2013